
Consistency is absolutely crucial

Comfort zone is danger zone

I train according to the plans of my coach Dan Aeschlimann, based on the values of a performance test from August 2023. My principle: Consistency is absolutely crucial. In other words: Stay disciplined and make no excuses. If I want to achieve my big goal, I have to overcome my “inner bastard” again and again. Out of the comfort zone, because: Comfort zone is danger zone!

Swim (3.86 km)

My training (2-4 hours/week) is currently focused on a relaxed crawl style and building up my endurance.

48 / 300h

Training hours so far

Bike (180 km)

Three outdoor units (5-10 h / 100km to 200km week) - winter months with indoor training on the roller (heart rate and wattage controlled, 3 x 1 h/week).

166 / 1400h

Training hours so far

Run (42.2 km)

Once my favorite discipline as a marathon runner for decades. Today, after ten completely running-free years, I alternate between fast walking and jogging. 2 h p/week

108 / 800h

Training hours so far


Regular strength training (2x 1.5 h / week), stretching and coordination exercises keep me fit even in old age and I am currently completely pain-free again.

40 / 408h

Training hours so far


The big goal is made up of many small milestones, each of which has its own significance and each of which contributes a further, indispensable piece of the puzzle to the big picture.

August 2023

Performance test

Performance test on ergometer. V02max not yet exhilarating, but in my age category between “good” and “excellent”. This data provides the basis for my training load.

April 2024

Successful indoor training

November-March 3x p/week roller training, heart rate and wattage controlled. A new fitness feeling out on the road!

August 2024

Around lake Zurich in 30 km/h

Highwattage – can I push that many watts? From Tiefenbrunnen over the dam in Rapperswil and back to Zurich-Enge. 60 km in two hours, average speed 30 km/h.


September 2024

3 km swimming session

Get through a 3 km swimming training session well

October 2024

Running 5km in 30 minutes

First intermediate goal after ten completely running-free years: 30min at an average of 6min/km

What those around me think about my project


I was very skeptical at first. Ruedi’s age, 10 years without running? But: After 6 months of training, his performance has increased by 20%, so I’m positive. But: There is still a long, long way to go.

Triathlon Coach

Dan Aeschlimann


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