health 15.07.2024

But what next?

I didn’t expect this at all. The first few months of careful running training over last winter and into this summer were very promising as far as pain relief in my problematic left knee was concerned. Especially when you consider that I practically never ran for ten years. Now I know that the strain on my joints was too great after this long break.

I’m depressed and questioning the whole project. I have to give up running completely for the time being. I can also feel my motivation waning and I’m asking myself a lot more questions. I have the feeling that I’m hardly making any progress with swimming either. What’s the point of all this effort if the goal seems almost unattainable? I also have lots of discussions with my loved one, who is always on hand with good and encouraging suggestions. “Don’t throw in the towel just yet,” advises Coach Dan. He definitely sees opportunities to organize the training in such a way that I build up all my endurance with the bike training. And then on day X, after the swim and bike, I can get enough of a head start so that I can complete the final marathon within the cut-off time with a brisk march.

But first, a break with running for the coming summer months. There’s already a rumor going around that I’ve already given up on my project, which is probably a sensible decision. I won’t comment on this any further because I’m not sure about it myself. I can always build myself up mentally with nice bike rides, alone or with friends. I also keep at it with strength training and targeted stretching exercises.

Patience is the order of the day! For the time being, I’m skipping structured training completely and observing how I feel inside. Is that it – or not?
